Frequently Asked Questions

What if I cannot afford the fee?
Talk to me. While I have my own family to feed and support and I must charge for my time and service, I would not want to turn away a request for support based on finances.
I have a boyfriend/husband/girlfriend/partner, why would I need a Doula?
"It takes a village". Birth is an important experience for everyone in the family but often important events can bring a high level of emotion. The advantage of having a Doula present for birth is having a extra hands, extra help, and a calm reassuring presence. 
A Doula in no way replaces the love and support of a partner. A Doula can help you and your partner connect to each other and the process of birth.
If Dad still wants to go it alone and not hire a Doula, but maybe wants some direction I offer What Can Dads Do preparation sessions

Are Midwives and Doulas the same thing?
 No. Midwives are skilled and trained medical professionals with license and authority to provide such things as prenatal testing, check-ups, vaginal examinations, providing medication, and caring for the medical welfare of both the baby and the woman giving birth during labour and delivery.  
A Doula does not provide medical care or medical advice. Doulas provide emotional support, physical comfort, and service. This includes things such as massages, drinks, snacks, music, photos, phone calls or texts if needed, coaching, etc... 

Do you only do home births?
No. All birth is important and the environment in which you feel most comfortable giving birth is what matters. 

I already know I want an epidural. Would it still be worth it to hire a Doula?
Absolutely. There can often be quite a bit of time between when labour starts and when you are in active labour and ready for hospital admission. Also, everyone's body is different and reacts to medication differently. A Doula's support can be helpful during all stages and can give suggestions and reminders for helping baby's head engage while you are medicated.   

If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me:

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